Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

DQ1- Western civilization to 1689

DQ1- Western civilization to 1689

Q Click Film on Demand to view then select one of the areas below to discuss: Greek Pantheon, Oracle of Delphi, Philosopher Movement, Archimedes Principle, Popular Assembly, Early Greek Democracy, Administrative Documentation and Appointments, Physical Perfection, Greek Athleticism, Greek Theater, Roman Conquest, or Cradle of Civilization.

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Oracle of Delphi The Oracle of Delphi was a shrine in all Greece which was of utmost important and it became the centre of the world. It dated around 1400 BC and was built around a sacred spring. It became so important that people from all over the world came to Greece to visit the Oracle of Delphi and believed that it would help them to know what the future beholds.